Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Resolution: Format *technical*


The heading of a resolution should appear on the upper left corner of the first page in single-spaced lines. On the first line should appear the name of the body the resolution originated (i.e The Committee) and the name should be spelled out in full. The second line should contain the number designation of the annual session during which the resolution is being submitted (52nd Session). On the third line should be the official name of the country submitting the resolution followed by co-sponsors if any.

Each resolution must have a title briefly describing the resolution’s thrust and content. The title of the resolution should be centered a few lines below the heading and be all capital letters. If the title is long and is typed on more than one line, it should be single-spaced with each line centered.

The text is composed of two parts: the preambular clauses and operative clauses. Each clause is written as separate paragraphs with the first line of each indented five spaces and the introductory words underlined. Each is single-spaced, with double spaces between the clauses. If a clause has sub-clauses, the main clause ends with a colon (:) and the sub-clauses are lettered (a), (b), (c), etc. and end with a comma if preambular, or a semi-colon if operative.

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